Building Blocks of a Vega-Lite Visualization

The data, mark and encoding properties of a Vega-Lite specification are the basic building blocks of a Vega-Lite visualization. In the Deneb.jl, sub-specifications for these properties can conveniently be defined using Data, Mark, and Encoding and then composed using the * operator to build the final specification.

using Deneb
cars = ""
Data(url=cars) * Mark(:point) * Encoding(


Similar to Vega-Lite, in Deneb.jl a dataset can be defined in several ways:

  • as tabular data,
  • as a URL from which to load the data,
  • or as any of Vega-Lite's data generators.

Tabular data

Deneb.jl accepts any tabular data that supports the Tables.jl interface (e.g. DataFrames.jl or any of these formats) by simply passing the data to Data.

data = (a=[1, 2], b=["potato", "tomato"])
  "values": [
      "a": 1,
      "b": "potato"
      "a": 2,
      "b": "tomato"

In the example above the source data was simply a NamedTuple, but it could've been for instance a DataFrame.

using DataFrames
  "values": [
      "a": 1,
      "b": "potato"
      "a": 2,
      "b": "tomato"

As shown in the output, Deneb.jl internally transforms this data into an appropriate spec with a format that Vega-Lite can interpret.

Data from a URL

Alternatively, data can be loaded from a URL using the url keyword argument.

  "url": ""

Other properties can be specified to ensure that the loaded data is correctly parsed by Vega-Lite.

    format=(type=:topojson, feature=:states),
  "url": "",
  "format": {
    "type": "topojson",
    "feature": "states"

To learn more about the formats accepted by Vega-Lite and the properties describing a data source from URL, refer to Vega-Lite's documentation.

Data generators

Deneb.jl also provides a simple API to define data using any of the data generators available in Vega-Lite. The generator type (currently Vega-Lite provides a sequence, a graticule and a sphere generator) can be specified as a positional argument of type String or Symbol, while the properties defining the generator can be specified as keyword arguments.

    :graticule, step=[15, 15]
) * Mark(:geoshape) * projection(
    :orthographic, rotate=[0, -45, 0]


The mark property of a Vega-Lite specification can be defined in Deneb.jl using Mark, where the positional argument defines the mark type (point, bar, line,...) as a String or a Symbol.

  "type": "errorband"

And the the keyword arguments define the other optional properties of the mark.

Mark(:errorband, extent=:ci, borders=(opacity=0.5, strokeDash=[6, 4]))
  "type": "errorband",
  "extent": "ci",
  "borders": {
    "opacity": 0.5,
    "strokeDash": [

Refer to Vega-Lite's documentation to learn more about the mark types and their properties.


The encoding property of a single view specification represents the mapping between encoding channels (such as x, y, or color) and data fields. In Deneb.jl the encoding is defined with Encoding, which can optionally take one or two positional arguments representing the the x and y channels, and any number of keyword arguments representing any arbitrary Vega-Lite channel (including explicit x/y channels). In the simplest scenario the arguments are of type String or Symbol representing the field property of the given encoding channel.

Encoding(:Horsepower, :Miles_per_Gallon, color=:Origin)
  "color": {
    "field": "Origin"
  "x": {
    "field": "Horsepower"
  "y": {
    "field": "Miles_per_Gallon"

Shorthand string syntax

Similar to Altair, the encoding channels can be defined with a shorthand string syntax to conveniently define the field, the type and the aggregate/timeUnit properties of encoding channels. The type can be defined by separating the field with a : followed by a shorthand type code (q: quantitative, o: ordinal, n: nominal, t: temporal, g: geojson).

Encoding("Horsepower:q", "Miles_per_Gallon:q", color="Origin:n")
  "color": {
    "field": "Origin",
    "type": "nominal"
  "x": {
    "field": "Horsepower",
    "type": "quantitative"
  "y": {
    "field": "Miles_per_Gallon",
    "type": "quantitative"

An aggregate/timeUnit property of encoding channel can also be specified with the shorthand string syntax by wrapping the field property with parenthesis and the desired aggregate/timeUnit function:

Encoding("monthdate(date):t", "mean(temperature):q", color="year(date):o")
  "color": {
    "timeUnit": "year",
    "field": "date",
    "type": "ordinal"
  "x": {
    "timeUnit": "monthdate",
    "field": "date",
    "type": "temporal"
  "y": {
    "aggregate": "mean",
    "field": "temperature",
    "type": "quantitative"

Setting other channel properties and the field function

To set other channel properties, the Encoding channel arguments can be passed as NamedTuples (or Dicts) representing the complete channel specification. Note that this works only for explicit keyword channels and not for the method with positional channels.

    x = (
        title="Total population",
        scale=(; type=:log)
  "x": {
    "field": "people",
    "type": "quantitative",
    "aggregate": "sum",
    "title": "Total population",
    "scale": {
      "type": "log"

Alternatively, the convenient field function can be used where the first positional argument can use the shorthand string syntax for fields, and other properties can be set as keyword arguments.

    x = field(
        title="Total population",
        scale=(; type=:log)
  "x": {
    "aggregate": "sum",
    "field": "people",
    "type": "quantitative",
    "title": "Total population",
    "scale": {
      "type": "log"

Constant encodings

Constant visual values and constant data values (datum) can also be set in Deneb.jl using Encoding with NamedTuple arguments.

    x=(; datum=10),
    color=(; value="#ff9900")
  "x": {
    "datum": 10
  "color": {
    "value": "#ff9900"