Multi-view specs

With Vega-Lite, you can not only create single view and layered visualizations, but also concatenate, repeat and facet these views into multiview displays.


To place view's side-by-side, Deneb.jl provides the Base.hcat, Base.vcat and concat methods respectively for horizontal, vertical and general (wrappable) concatenation of views. Square braces [] can also be conveniently used for concatenation.

using Deneb
data = Data(url="")
base = transform_filter("datum.location === 'Seattle'") * vlspec(height=200)
bar = Mark(:bar) * Encoding("month(date):O", "mean(precipitation):Q")
bubble = Mark(:point) * Encoding(
    x=field("temp_min:Q", bin=true),
    y=field("temp_max:Q", bin=true),

data * base * [bar bubble]
data * base * [bar; bubble]
line = Mark(:line) * Encoding("month(date):T", "mean(wind):Q")
data * base * concat(bar, bubble, line, columns=2)


See the Concatenation section of the Gallery for more examples.


More about concatenation in Vega-Lite's Concatenation documentation.


Often, you may concatenate similar views where the only difference is the field that is used in an encoding. The repeat operator is a shortcut that creates a view for each entry in an array of fields.

In Deneb.jl, this can be achieved using Repeat.

Data(data) * Mark(:line) * Repeat(
    column = ["temp_max", "precipitation", "wind"]
) * Encoding(
    y=(field=(;repeat=:column), aggregate=:mean),
) * vlspec(
    height=200, width=200


See the Repeat section of the Gallery for more examples.


More about concatenation in Vega-Lite's Repeat documentation.


Like repeated charts, faceted charts provide a more convenient API for creating multiple views of a dataset. However, unlike repeat where each view contains full replication of the data set, in facet each view contains a different subset of the data facilitating comparison across subsets.

In Deneb.jl, this can be achieved using Facet.

data = Data(url="")
base = Mark(:bar) * Encoding(
    x=field("Horsepower:Q", bin=(;maxbins=15)),
) * vlspec(
    height=200, width=200

data * base * Facet(column=:Origin)

Faceting with encoding channels

Vega-Lite also provides the facet, row and column encoding channels that serve as a convenient way of producing facet specifications.

data * base * Encoding(column=:Origin)

The limitation of faceting via encoding channels is that it cannot create complicated compound charts like facet views of layered charts, while this can be achieved with the more flexible Facet.


See the Facet section of the Gallery for more examples.


More about faceting in Vega-Lite's Facet documentation.
